Get Involved

The support of our donors enables the Meaford Food Bank and Outreach to deliver its powerful mission to increase access to healthy food in a manner that maintains dignity and builds health and community.

When you give, over 80% of your donation goes directly to our programs to alleviate hunger, build hope, and inspire change.

Donation Options:

1. Make a gift online via CanadaHelps:

          DONATE NOW 

2. Donate by mail:

Please make your cheque payable to the Meaford Food Bank and Outreach and mail to:

Meaford Food Bank and Outreach
P.O. Box 3245
34 Trowbridge St. W.
Meaford, ON    N4L 1N2

3. Drop donations off at:

The address shown above between 9:30 and 11:30 am on Mondays OR between 5:00 and 7:00 pm Thursdays.

Please contact Coordinator at if you need to arrange another time to drop off donations.

Tax receipting:

Meaford Food Bank and Outreach will prepare and issue Official Income tax receipts for monetary gifts and gifts-in-kind in compliance with all regulatory requirements. Such receipts will be prepared annually and mailed to donors prior to the end of February.

Our charitable registration number is 889992798 RR0001.

The minimum threshold for an official income tax receipt will be $20

Respecting donor requests & private information:

Meaford Food Bank and Outreach honours donors’ and prospective donor’s requests to

  • Remain anonymous
  • Limit the frequency of contact
  • Not be contacted by telephone or other technology
  • Not receive printed material concerning the organization and
  • Discontinue contact.

Meaford Foodbank and Outreach will not sell its donor list.

If Meaford Food Bank and Outreach shares its donor list in any way, we will

  • abide by the Canadian Marketing Association Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
  • honour any donor’s request to be excluded from such lists.

Statement of Disclosure:

Each gift will be used as designated, except where any given need has been fully met in which case the donation may be used where it is needed most.


All fundraising done by or on behalf of Meaford Food Bank and Outreach must

  • be truthful and accurate and not make claims that are misleading or cannot be upheld
  • accurately describe our activities
  • must not be exploitative of project participants;
  • disclose
    • the organization’s name (Meaford Food Bank and Outreach)
    • the purpose for which the funds are requested
    • our policy for issuing of official tax receipts and what is the minimum amount for which a receipt can be issued.
    • whether the individual or entity seeking donations is a volunteer, an employee, or a contracted third party.
  • follow online solicitation practices consistent with the Canadian Code of Practice for Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce
  • ensure that all solicitors on our behalf engage in ethical fundraising practices
  • disclose financial information on fundraising activities
  • not engage in commission-based fundraising
  • not sell donor lists

If you or your organization wish to raise funds for Meaford Food Bank and Outreach, please follow our guidelines.

Fundraising Events:

For all fundraising events, complete our Fundraising form (Link) and drop into our office during regular hours to get signed approval from our President or email it to or mail it to Meaford Food Bank & Outreach, Box 3245, 34 Trowbridge St W, Meaford ON, N4L 1N2

Please do not fundraise for us without first consulting our President (519-538-4550) and getting his/her approval in writing.


The Meaford Foodbank and Outreach began as a volunteer-run organization in the late 1980’s, and volunteers continue to play a crucial role in every aspect of our work. The Meaford Foodbank and Outreach offers a wide array of volunteer opportunities including:

Food Bank Program (serving clients, sorting food and stocking shelves, pick-ups, etc.) – note:  volunteers must be 18 years or older to serve clients at the food bank.

Christmas Program Volunteers (food hampers, Adopt-a-Star) We need extra hands in late November and early December to assemble food hampers and set up the “shop” for our clients to shop for toys, clothing and stocking stuffers.

Contact Coordinator for details at if you can help.

Collecting Items for our Christmas Program:

  • warm pyjamas
  • Packages of sox
  • Packages of underwear
  • Winter Hats and Scarves and Gloves
  • Hygiene items (toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, body wash, diapers, baby wipes
  • Colouring books and crayons and/or pencil crayons
  • Hoody Sweaters (for ages 13-18)
  • Educational toys and other toys for children and teens.

The above item(s) can be dropped off at the Food Bank during regular hours.
Mondays 9:30 am – 11:30 am
Thursdays 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Board: If you have experience and skills that are needed to help govern a charity or Food Bank, please apply to become a Board Member and submit your resume along with the completed application form to Nellie Greb at